Briceville Friendship Center
Contact Information
Phone # 865-426-6518
email: [email protected]
The Clinton Baptist Association of churches donate time, money, and resources to help meet the needs of Briceville residents. The Association opened the Briceville Friendship center to aid families with food, clothing, baby needs, and more.
This ministry was started in 1993 by Samaritan’s Purse, Boone, North Carolina, headed by
Franklin Graham, Billy’s son. Millions of gift-filled shoeboxes are distributed each year to children
in other countries who live in poverty, orphanages, and hospitals. As the children receive their shoebox
gifts, they are told about Jesus, the Greatest Gift of All. OCC offers discipleship programs for new
believers; many times, entire families come to accept Christ! There are hundreds of relay and collection
centers, and NFBC is the drop off center for Anderson County. All shoebox gifts are collected the week before
Thanksgiving. They are then transported to processing centers to be inspected and packed for their final
destination. “The Power of a shoebox…” was illustrated this past December when over millions of shoeboxes
were processed and delivered to the world! Our volunteer team was a part of this blessed event at Charlotte as we
have been in years past! For more information or drop off locations go to
Will you get involved? Discover the joy of serving in missions! For further information,
contact Katie Musgrave at (865) 621-5062, or Sharon Gamble at (865) 494-0515. We’d love to
share our passion of missions with YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Contact Information
Phone # 865-426-6518
email: [email protected]
The Clinton Baptist Association of churches donate time, money, and resources to help meet the needs of Briceville residents. The Association opened the Briceville Friendship center to aid families with food, clothing, baby needs, and more.
This ministry was started in 1993 by Samaritan’s Purse, Boone, North Carolina, headed by
Franklin Graham, Billy’s son. Millions of gift-filled shoeboxes are distributed each year to children
in other countries who live in poverty, orphanages, and hospitals. As the children receive their shoebox
gifts, they are told about Jesus, the Greatest Gift of All. OCC offers discipleship programs for new
believers; many times, entire families come to accept Christ! There are hundreds of relay and collection
centers, and NFBC is the drop off center for Anderson County. All shoebox gifts are collected the week before
Thanksgiving. They are then transported to processing centers to be inspected and packed for their final
destination. “The Power of a shoebox…” was illustrated this past December when over millions of shoeboxes
were processed and delivered to the world! Our volunteer team was a part of this blessed event at Charlotte as we
have been in years past! For more information or drop off locations go to
Will you get involved? Discover the joy of serving in missions! For further information,
contact Katie Musgrave at (865) 621-5062, or Sharon Gamble at (865) 494-0515. We’d love to
share our passion of missions with YOU!!!!!!!!!!