From Pastor David:
Monday: Mark 13
Mark 13...verses 9 & 11, "But watch out for yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils, and you will be beaten in the synagogues. You will be brought before rulers and kings for My sake, for a testimony to them. But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit." As Christ followers, whatever our particular gifts, whatever our specific callings, our words OF Him and FOR Him must be FROM Him in the power and prompting of His Holy Spirit within us! He's the Source of powerful and effective praying and preaching, testifying and teaching! It's not about our strengths and weaknesses, perceived or imagined, but completely and totally based upon the power and Plan of Almighty God!.. what a calming and confident assurance!
Tuesday: Mark 14
Imagine, friends, your own dear child crying out to you in anguish, "Daddy, please don't let me take THEIR punishment ...I did nothing wrong... I'm not the guilty one, they are!" Here's Mark's account of this scene in 14: 35 & 36:
"He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him. And He said, 'Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.'"
Jesus didn't doubt that God COULD make another way, but sought a way to avoid the weight of our sin place on Him, and God's righteous judgement upon Him because of our sinfulness! In verse 34 Jesus explains His physical and emotional condition as a real 100% human man in this unimaginable position..."My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death." The modern medical profession might describe Jesus' condition as "Acute Emotional Distress Syndrome"....Dr Luke describes it as Jesus "being in agony" to the point that "His sweat became as great drops of blood falling to the ground."
I'm thinking that I would save my kid and let you go to hell...but our amazing and awesome God "so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!" "Thank You, Abba, Father, God of the Universe, for Your amazing grace and magnificent love! Thank You, Lord Jesus, my Master and King, for giving Yourself to save even me! Amen and AMEN!"
See you tomorrow at Mark 15.
"He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him. And He said, 'Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.'"
Jesus didn't doubt that God COULD make another way, but sought a way to avoid the weight of our sin place on Him, and God's righteous judgement upon Him because of our sinfulness! In verse 34 Jesus explains His physical and emotional condition as a real 100% human man in this unimaginable position..."My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death." The modern medical profession might describe Jesus' condition as "Acute Emotional Distress Syndrome"....Dr Luke describes it as Jesus "being in agony" to the point that "His sweat became as great drops of blood falling to the ground."
I'm thinking that I would save my kid and let you go to hell...but our amazing and awesome God "so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!" "Thank You, Abba, Father, God of the Universe, for Your amazing grace and magnificent love! Thank You, Lord Jesus, my Master and King, for giving Yourself to save even me! Amen and AMEN!"
See you tomorrow at Mark 15.
Wednesday: Mark 15
Mark 15. False witnesses, fake trials, choosing evil over Good, misinforming, mischaracterizing, misconstruing, denying God, rejecting the Bible, siding with satan.....mankind is a "hot mess," and have been from the beginning. Our first parents rebelled against God while under perfect conditions and open communion with the God of the Universe, bringing sin and separation into our world...but God had a "solution to our soul pollution!"...He would send His Son (Gen 3:15)! What we see here in this passage is the culmination of the rebellion of satan and mankind overwhelmed by God's Love! As Jesus gave His life as a substitute for you and me, He gave us forgiveness and reconciled us to the Father in the intimate and personal relation God intends for us! Having saved us from death by His own death, Jesus' body is placed in the tomb that Friday, awaiting the coming Sunday, when He would conquer death, hell, and the us LIFE through His own LIFE!
See you tomorrow, at the Empty Tomb! (Mark 16)
See you tomorrow, at the Empty Tomb! (Mark 16)
Thursday: Mark 16
Mark 16. Even though their Master was dead, and had been dead since Friday, Mary, Mary, and Salome bought spices, and gathered the necessary supplies to anoint Jesus' dead body for proper burial.
He's dead, what does it matter at this point?! The tomb is sealed... it's done with...move on with life!
Perhaps in keeping with tradition and the Law, they wanted to "do right" by Jesus and prepare His body properly as they hadn't the time on Friday because of the upcoming Sabbath...and maybe it was because they loved Him so very much that they wanted to minister to their Lord one last time...maybe it was both...
Imagine their surprise when they arrived to find the massive entrance stone rolled away, but also an angel announcing that there was going to be no dead body anointing that day, as Jesus wasn't dead, but ALIVE...resurrected and gone from the grave! Had their devotion to Jesus been less or their adherence to God's Word had been weak, they would not have been at the tomb that morning!...they would not have been the first to experience Jesus' history changing, death conquering, grave emptying, satan stomping, life bringing, one of a kind resurrection from the dead!
Life lesson for us?... Stick close to Jesus and keep your nose in His Word and watch God do the amazing!
Starting Luke tomorrow with chapter 1.
He's dead, what does it matter at this point?! The tomb is sealed... it's done with...move on with life!
Perhaps in keeping with tradition and the Law, they wanted to "do right" by Jesus and prepare His body properly as they hadn't the time on Friday because of the upcoming Sabbath...and maybe it was because they loved Him so very much that they wanted to minister to their Lord one last time...maybe it was both...
Imagine their surprise when they arrived to find the massive entrance stone rolled away, but also an angel announcing that there was going to be no dead body anointing that day, as Jesus wasn't dead, but ALIVE...resurrected and gone from the grave! Had their devotion to Jesus been less or their adherence to God's Word had been weak, they would not have been at the tomb that morning!...they would not have been the first to experience Jesus' history changing, death conquering, grave emptying, satan stomping, life bringing, one of a kind resurrection from the dead!
Life lesson for us?... Stick close to Jesus and keep your nose in His Word and watch God do the amazing!
Starting Luke tomorrow with chapter 1.
Friday 3/3: Luke 1
While Matthew is the "Jesus Account" written towards a Jewish audience, and the action-filled Gospel of Mark penned with Romans in mind, Luke's "edition" is geared towards readers from all walks of life and all social and economic standing...the "Jesus is for everyone" Gospel! Luke begins his "every person" carefully investigated, ordered, and greatly detailed Gospel with answered prayers in Luke 1:8-20. Isn't it kind of funny, yes, "ha ha" funny, that after years and years of praying for a child, that Zechariah didn't believe the answer to his prayer when it came?! Of course, it's a pretty fantastic idea that a man and woman well past their child bearing years could conceive and bear a child, but an old couple having a baby is nothing compared to what happens next, as a virgin conceives while still a virgin!... absolutely and utterly impossible outside of God's Power and Plan and
Purpose! "For with God nothing will be impossible!" (v37)
See you Monday at Luke 2.
Purpose! "For with God nothing will be impossible!" (v37)
See you Monday at Luke 2.
Monday 3/6: Luke 2
Luke 2. "And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered." Now THAT, my brothers, caused quite the stir... inconvenient, a great hardship...every man (and his family) had to go to the place of his birth...EVERY ONE...regardless of how far, how costly, how difficult, ALL had to go! The world, then as now, was focused on a human government mandate that everyone in that "world" knew about and were forced to obey, while the greatest event in the history of the universe was unfolding, known to few! This history changing event took place in a little insignificant region of the big wide world, "played out" by unknown men and women, and witnessed by rejected and unimportant members of society! Today, while the worldly "fret and flitter," God's people should be unstressed, unhindered, and uninhibited!...we know what's REALLY going on, we know what's REALLY important, and vital, and urgent...the simple story of our Savior "Who came to seek and to save that which is lost!"
"For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. He who glories, let him glory in the Lord!" (Take 3 or 4 minutes and read all of 1 Corinthians 1:18-31)
See you tomorrow at Luke 3.
"For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. He who glories, let him glory in the Lord!" (Take 3 or 4 minutes and read all of 1 Corinthians 1:18-31)
See you tomorrow at Luke 3.
Tuesday 3/7: Luke 3
Luke 3:8 "Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance." Fruits don't result in repentance, rather, true repentance (turning TO God and AWAY from sin) results in worthy fruits (godly works)! Most of us have been taught that "good christians" don't judge others, but what we often miss is that we are, in fact, called to be "fruit inspectors"...I cannot honestly judge another's motives or heart, but I also cannot honestly miss their actions, nor can I honestly ignore or "look over" "fruit" which is not "worthy of repentance" in my own life, nor the life of a brother or sister in Christ...and neither should you... John the Baptizer sure didn't!
See you tomorrow at Luke 4.
See you tomorrow at Luke 4.
Wednesday 3/8: Luke 4
Luke 4:5-8...sometimes we feel we must have misunderstood God's will, direction or calling simply because we experience "tough times." Difficulty, temptation, and persecution don't necessarily signify that we're out of God's could be that God is taking us through trouble rather than around it to work out His plan and purpose in our lives, for His greater glory, and our greater good! Satan's second temptation to Jesus was "all about" bypassing the pain and difficulty inherent in God's Plan for Jesus by bypassing the cross....but by going through the cross, Jesus not only arrived at God's chosen destination for Him, but Jesus also made God's salvation possible for us! In His trusting obedience, Jesus brought greater glory to His Father, and accomplished the greater good for Himself and the world! Rather than bemoaning our sometimes tough circumstances, maybe we ought trust that God is in control, and "seize the day," knowing that God's Plan is being fulfilled in our lives for our greater good and His greater glory...
Luke 5 tomorrow.
Luke 5 tomorrow.
Thursday 3/9: Luke 5
Funny (not "haha" funny, but interesting funny) how that we each take different levels of convincing that Jesus is "for real!" In Luke 5 we see Andrew and Simon (Peter) getting a "reminder call" from Jesus, complete with a "one of a kind, never to be forgotten, tailored just for them" miracle to really get their attention! Evidently they had gotten distracted, or didn't fully comprehend Jesus' previous call to them (see John 1:40-42).
Along with Andrew and Simon, Jesus calls and "catches " James and John on this particular "fishing trip"..."So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him." Just a few verses later Jesus does the unthinkable in the Jewish culture of that day, purposely and intentionally approaching and aligning Himself with a despised and ostracized "dang stinking" tax collector! I can almost see Jesus locking eyes with Levi (Matthew), smiling at his surprise, and saying, "Follow Me"...nothing else was required, no "boatload of fish" required...just the "one of a kind, never to be forgotten, tailored just for him" miracle of Jesus cutting through the confusion and human conditioning to unconditional love and acceptance for who and what Levi was...a flawed man who would be redeemed! Praise the Lord God of the Universe! Do these scenes sound familiar? Are you the
respected, hardworking Andrew and Simon who had to be reminded, or Levi (who was so despised that the other disciples didn't choose him to be treasurer for the group, even though money and bookkeeping were his background), who simply followed, as did James and John, when Jesus called? Suggestion, friends...wherever, however, to whatever Jesus calls you, FOLLOW Him!
We'll wrap up week 10 of "God's Word for Me in 2023!" tomorrow with Luke 6.
Along with Andrew and Simon, Jesus calls and "catches " James and John on this particular "fishing trip"..."So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him." Just a few verses later Jesus does the unthinkable in the Jewish culture of that day, purposely and intentionally approaching and aligning Himself with a despised and ostracized "dang stinking" tax collector! I can almost see Jesus locking eyes with Levi (Matthew), smiling at his surprise, and saying, "Follow Me"...nothing else was required, no "boatload of fish" required...just the "one of a kind, never to be forgotten, tailored just for him" miracle of Jesus cutting through the confusion and human conditioning to unconditional love and acceptance for who and what Levi was...a flawed man who would be redeemed! Praise the Lord God of the Universe! Do these scenes sound familiar? Are you the
respected, hardworking Andrew and Simon who had to be reminded, or Levi (who was so despised that the other disciples didn't choose him to be treasurer for the group, even though money and bookkeeping were his background), who simply followed, as did James and John, when Jesus called? Suggestion, friends...wherever, however, to whatever Jesus calls you, FOLLOW Him!
We'll wrap up week 10 of "God's Word for Me in 2023!" tomorrow with Luke 6.
Friday 3/10: Luke 6
Luke 6. Think about this for a minute....the "keepers" of God's Law didn't really GET God's Law! They were so caught up in rules and regulations that they missed the intent...they "couldn't see the forest for the trees!" Verse 1 takes us to a Sabbath, as does verse 6, on which Jesus did something to get the over-pious, spiritually arrogant scribes and Pharisees "into a twirl"...He and His hungry disciples picked and ate grain while traveling, and He healed a hurting human being! What an outrage!...the Lord of creation caring for His creation on the day He created for His creation! Mark's account of this scene (2:27&28) clearly sets the "Sabbath situation" straight...."The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath."
Jesus makes the line dividing His true followers from the rest of the world very clear in Luke 6:45, "a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."
See you Monday at Luke 7!
Jesus makes the line dividing His true followers from the rest of the world very clear in Luke 6:45, "a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."
See you Monday at Luke 7!
Monday 3/13: Luke 7
Good Monday morning at Luke 7, folks!
"God, why did You let (or "why did You make") this happen to ME?!" That's a pretty common response to tough times, whether we say it aloud or not, and it "sheds some light" on a very practical question I read this morning: "Do you feel entitled for God to bless you and answer your prayers, or are you keenly aware of your unworthiness to EXPECT anything from God?" The Story of the Centurion in verses 1-10 shows us a man who was deeply convicted and convinced of his unworthiness to be in the presence of Christ or to EXPECT any blessings from Him...but in faith and repentance he opened himself to Jesus and His power to bless and answer the man's request! This supposed "hard and harsh" Roman, untrusted and despised by the average Jew, displays a deeper faith, and greater understanding of his sinful state, than many of the avowed followers of God! Perhaps rather than, "Why me Lord?! Why did You let this terrible thing happen to ME?!," we ought to be more aware of our situation before the God of Creation and our utter dependence on Him...perhaps "Why me Lord?! Why have You SO blessed ME?!" is a better attitude and response! Just consider the grace of God towards us, in good times and bad...His mercy towards us...His love for us...old Kris (Kristofferson) kind of "nailed it" when he wrote: "Why me Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I've known. Tell me Lord, what did I ever do that was worth loving You or the kindness You've shown?"
See you tomorrow at Luke 8.
"God, why did You let (or "why did You make") this happen to ME?!" That's a pretty common response to tough times, whether we say it aloud or not, and it "sheds some light" on a very practical question I read this morning: "Do you feel entitled for God to bless you and answer your prayers, or are you keenly aware of your unworthiness to EXPECT anything from God?" The Story of the Centurion in verses 1-10 shows us a man who was deeply convicted and convinced of his unworthiness to be in the presence of Christ or to EXPECT any blessings from Him...but in faith and repentance he opened himself to Jesus and His power to bless and answer the man's request! This supposed "hard and harsh" Roman, untrusted and despised by the average Jew, displays a deeper faith, and greater understanding of his sinful state, than many of the avowed followers of God! Perhaps rather than, "Why me Lord?! Why did You let this terrible thing happen to ME?!," we ought to be more aware of our situation before the God of Creation and our utter dependence on Him...perhaps "Why me Lord?! Why have You SO blessed ME?!" is a better attitude and response! Just consider the grace of God towards us, in good times and bad...His mercy towards us...His love for us...old Kris (Kristofferson) kind of "nailed it" when he wrote: "Why me Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I've known. Tell me Lord, what did I ever do that was worth loving You or the kindness You've shown?"
See you tomorrow at Luke 8.
Tuesday 3/14: Luke 8
Here, in Luke 8:10 (go read it), are some tough words of Jesus to wrap our heads around! So, is Jesus saying He purposely blocks some folks from understanding His message? Of course not! If we go back to Matthew's account (13:10-17), we understand that Jesus' parables leave us to our own heart's desires...those who will, understand, while those who will not...well, they will not understand. The extended quote of Isaiah in Matthew's account makes clear that we miss out on Jesus' message, because we harden ourselves against Jesus Himself! Here's a perfect and practical example of this as I "Googled" the book upon which a fantastic movie Missy and I watched on PureFlix Sunday night and found, in the comments, that people of faith in Christ, and those with at least an "open mind," loved the book, while those with closed hearts and closed minds, hated it!....there was very little between...
either 4 or 5 stars or 1 star! I can see from the responses that "Strong Fathers Strong Daughters" is a book I need to read and am pretty sure I'll like it and find value as I did the movie. As "the seed" is sown, some falls on fertile ground, bringing forth fruit for God, while much falls on unproductive soil, thus producing little or obvious picture of the human heart and life...shall I "have ears to hear," or shall I close my heart to God's Word?
See you tomorrow at Luke 9.
either 4 or 5 stars or 1 star! I can see from the responses that "Strong Fathers Strong Daughters" is a book I need to read and am pretty sure I'll like it and find value as I did the movie. As "the seed" is sown, some falls on fertile ground, bringing forth fruit for God, while much falls on unproductive soil, thus producing little or obvious picture of the human heart and life...shall I "have ears to hear," or shall I close my heart to God's Word?
See you tomorrow at Luke 9.
Wednesday 3/15: Luke 9
In Luke 9:22-24, the "Blessed are you poor (in spirit), for yours is the kingdom of Heaven" (6:20) promise of Jesus is "fleshed out" with a clear and direct description. With the crowds celebrating their arrived Messiah, and the disciples "jockeying" for position in Messiah's Kingdom, Jesus announces that there will be no "conquering Messiah" at this point, but the "Suffering Savior," headed purposely and resolutely to the fulfillment of God's Plan and Purpose in Him! Then He lays out the condition to answer Hie call for those who would (will) "come after" (follow) must forsake yourself, your agenda, your "druthers" must put yourself to death that only Christ may live IN you and THROUGH you! Jesus models this "crucified life" for us NOT by emptying Himself of Himself (then He would cease to be Himself), rather, He emptied Himself in the sense of complete and utter surrender to the will of The Father and the guidance of the Holy Spirit...just as we Christ- followers are to do! You see, it's not that "Jesus is my Co-pilot," it's that Jesus is driving my plane, taking it where He wills, and I'm along for the ride! It's not Jesus AND me, but Jesus IN me! fact, the only path to true meaning and purpose in this life, is the crucified to self, cross-carrying, self-emptied life of truly "coming after" our Savior, Lord, and Master!
See you tomorrow at Luke 10.
See you tomorrow at Luke 10.
Thursday 3/16: Luke 10
"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven" (Luke 10:20). This "attitude adjusting" admonition from Jesus applies to all Christ-followers in all walks of life, ministry settings, and church activities as Jesus points to the priority of the Gospel in all we do, and the overwhelming joy and gratefulness we should feel for being chosen and saved by God in Christ (v22)! The pastor shouldn't boast of degrees or numbers, the worker for Christ should not boast of ministry accomplishments, and the church shouldn't focus on emotions or "miraculous signs and wonders," but on Christ, and Him crucified, buried, and resurrected!...and our being privileged to be included in His kingdom! Even good things must give way for the BEST thing! "Thank you, Lord Jesus, for loving me, choosing me, saving me, and
bringing me to Your Father!"
Luke 11 for tomorrow.
bringing me to Your Father!"
Luke 11 for tomorrow.
Friday 3/17: Luke 11
As opposition against Him began to increase, in Luke 11:23, Jesus "amps up" the necessity of "choosing sides" in the battle! The time for "fence straddling" is over...there is no middle ground...time to "fish or cut bait" can be neutral and noncommittal no choose to "not choose " signifies you have chosen to not choose Jesus, and His response to THAT choice...."He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters." Jesus was, and is, very clear about people's choosing or rejecting "grey area" are either FOR Him or AGAINST Him! I chose a long time ago to be FOR Him in my life's purpose and direction, now my problem is that day by day minute by minute choice of staying close to Him and standing tall for eternal security is not the question here, but my witness for Him is...
So, are you fer Him, or agin Him?
See you Monday at Luke 12!
So, are you fer Him, or agin Him?
See you Monday at Luke 12!
Monday 3/20: Luke 12
(With my apologies to Shakespeare)
"To fear or not to fear?"
You know, it seems that we often fear God too little and fear man too much... it's like we think, "God's far away and my meeting with Him is a long time from now, while people are here and now!" Or maybe it's about perceived power and sway over our present and immediate lives...whatever our thinking, we've got it perfectly wrong and backwards! Listen to Jesus in Luke 12:4&5: "And I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!" The truth is, and we know it's true, that God alone rules time and eternity and all that happens now or later, and He's the One to whom we answer, and He's the One whom we should fear! (v2&3, 8&9)... and then there's God's love, mercy, and grace in action in
verses 6&7: "Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows!"
Jehovah God of the Bible, Sovereign over all, overwhelms His Holy & Righteous Justice with His Amazing Grace and Immeasurable Mercy and Unfathomable Love... there's nothing to fear when we, in awe and true surrender, follow Him!
See you tomorrow at Luke 13.
"To fear or not to fear?"
You know, it seems that we often fear God too little and fear man too much... it's like we think, "God's far away and my meeting with Him is a long time from now, while people are here and now!" Or maybe it's about perceived power and sway over our present and immediate lives...whatever our thinking, we've got it perfectly wrong and backwards! Listen to Jesus in Luke 12:4&5: "And I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!" The truth is, and we know it's true, that God alone rules time and eternity and all that happens now or later, and He's the One to whom we answer, and He's the One whom we should fear! (v2&3, 8&9)... and then there's God's love, mercy, and grace in action in
verses 6&7: "Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows!"
Jehovah God of the Bible, Sovereign over all, overwhelms His Holy & Righteous Justice with His Amazing Grace and Immeasurable Mercy and Unfathomable Love... there's nothing to fear when we, in awe and true surrender, follow Him!
See you tomorrow at Luke 13.
Tuesday 3/21: Luke 13
Some will say the woman of Luke 13:10-13 was healed without expressing faith, and even that Jesus' healing her was His idea and not hers...well, it's ALWAYS Jesus' idea to heal, and as to the other matter, go back to verse 10 and see where Jesus the synagogue!... that's where Jesus saw her (He always sees those in need) and healed her...she was in the place of healing and wholeness...the House of God! After suffering for 18 YEARS, she was still going to the house of God! Apparently, hers was not a "normal" infirmity, but resulting directly from a demonic attack (v16)....but in reality ALL sickness and disease and even physical death itself is a result of a broken and fallen world, operated by satan...before Adam rebelled against God, there was NO sickness nor death! The harder thing to reconcile in our finite minds in this story is "why" this woman suffered, bent over and
unable to stand erect, for 18 years as a result of a satanic " binding!" Things don't always make sense to us...but that's where faith comes in! Faith that would bring a broken down, suffering child of God back to God again and again and again, seeking His healing and wholeness!
See you tomorrow at Luke 14, as Jesus continues His journey to Jerusalem and His cross (13:22).
unable to stand erect, for 18 years as a result of a satanic " binding!" Things don't always make sense to us...but that's where faith comes in! Faith that would bring a broken down, suffering child of God back to God again and again and again, seeking His healing and wholeness!
See you tomorrow at Luke 14, as Jesus continues His journey to Jerusalem and His cross (13:22).
Wednesday 3/22: Luke 14
Thursday 3/23: Luke 15
Luke 15 begins with something that "makes you go 'hmm'!" The Pharisees and the scribes "murmered greatly" because Jesus "received sinners"...grumbling which prompted 3 "lost" parables from Jesus...the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. All three were found amid much celebration and rejoicing...the lost son even shows (God) the Father running to meet the returning prodigal! The very thing the spiritually blind religious leaders dismissed Jesus for, He wore as a badge of honor...receiving sinners!... that's why He came!
See you tomorrow at Luke 16.
See you tomorrow at Luke 16.
Friday 3/24: Luke 16
Luke 16...the lost rich man is stuck in "the abode of the wicked dead," (Sheol or Hades) awaiting final judgement in hell... he's figured out that his new "pad" is permanent, and he's going nowhere else! He's discovered that living a good life, having a good income, amassing wealth and prestige and "stuff" "ain't worth a plug nickel in Hades! He's also figured out his brothers, living the same kind of life as he, are destined to be his "roommates" when they die, and he wants someone to warn them...Lazarus!... send that despised beggar to tell them. God's reply is pregnant with the miraculous and very prophetic in it's proclamation: "if they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded though One should rise from the dead!" Miracles and signs don't save people...the Word of God does!...for those who will heed.
Luke 17
Luke 17
Monday 3/27: Luke 17
Explanatory note from Friday 🫣 addition to its obvious and common meaning, "pregnant" can also mean "rich in significance or implication" as used in Friday's text comments😊
Notice in Luke 17:3&4, Jesus calls His followers to full and free forgiveness! I don't have to tell any of you that forgiveness is fact, outside of the indwelling Spirit of God, full and free forgiveness is impossible. After being given what seemed like some pretty big expectations for forgiving, in the very next verse, the disciples ask for more increase in personal faith to fit the increased call to forgiveness! Jesus immediately clarifies that it isn't MORE faith they need, it's DEEPER faith, more authentic...quality not quantity! A very small faith (the size of a tiny mustard seed), which is true and real, and focused upon the God of Creation, and in His power and provision, can "move mountains"...including difficult but needed "forgiving!"
See you tomorrow at Luke 18 as Jesus continues moving closer to The Cross.
Notice in Luke 17:3&4, Jesus calls His followers to full and free forgiveness! I don't have to tell any of you that forgiveness is fact, outside of the indwelling Spirit of God, full and free forgiveness is impossible. After being given what seemed like some pretty big expectations for forgiving, in the very next verse, the disciples ask for more increase in personal faith to fit the increased call to forgiveness! Jesus immediately clarifies that it isn't MORE faith they need, it's DEEPER faith, more authentic...quality not quantity! A very small faith (the size of a tiny mustard seed), which is true and real, and focused upon the God of Creation, and in His power and provision, can "move mountains"...including difficult but needed "forgiving!"
See you tomorrow at Luke 18 as Jesus continues moving closer to The Cross.
Tuesday 3/28: Luke 18
I have trouble being perpetually persistent in prayer, and from the looks of Luke 18:1-8, the disciples had the same fault! Not sure if we get "caught up in life," or the "next need" comes along, or we figure "God heard us the first time, He'll do what He wants when He gets good and ready"... or if we're simply weak in faith (V8), or don't fully realize the depth of our need...? Luke gives a great example of a man practicing perpetual persistent prayer, up close and personal, in verses 35-43, as well as God's amazingly astounding answer!
Don't miss Jesus' prophetic announcement in verses 31-33 as tomorrow, in Luke 19, we'll read of His entrance into Jerusalem to begin its fulfillment.
Don't miss Jesus' prophetic announcement in verses 31-33 as tomorrow, in Luke 19, we'll read of His entrance into Jerusalem to begin its fulfillment.
Wednesday 3/29: Luke 19
"Lord, don't let my silence cause 'the rocks to cry out' in my place in praising You!"
Luke 19:28-40 records one of the greatest events (among many momentous events) to ever happen within the walls of Jerusalem, and many missed it! The King of Glory was riding through the gates to the celebration of many who "got it," many who were caught up in the excitement, many who were "dead set against it," many who were confused, and many who were oblivious! It was such a "once in the universe" happening that had the people remained silent, Jerusalem's stones and rocks would have acknowledged and celebrated the arrival of God! Let we who "get it" announce the Coming of the Lord Jesus, Savior, King, by shouting His praises and living His witness to everyone, everywhere, every time!
Luke 20 tomorrow.
Luke 19:28-40 records one of the greatest events (among many momentous events) to ever happen within the walls of Jerusalem, and many missed it! The King of Glory was riding through the gates to the celebration of many who "got it," many who were caught up in the excitement, many who were "dead set against it," many who were confused, and many who were oblivious! It was such a "once in the universe" happening that had the people remained silent, Jerusalem's stones and rocks would have acknowledged and celebrated the arrival of God! Let we who "get it" announce the Coming of the Lord Jesus, Savior, King, by shouting His praises and living His witness to everyone, everywhere, every time!
Luke 20 tomorrow.
Thursday 3/30: Luke 20
Luke 20: I heard J. Vernon McGee say on the radio once, something like " the type of government isn't as important as the the godliness of the leaders"...the people will be freer and more prosperous under God honoring leaders. Human government was instituted by God, and we as His people, have a responsibility to our human government, but our ultimate loyalty lies with God! "So they (religious/political leaders) called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, 'Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak of the things (of God) which we have seen and heard.'" (Acts 4:18-20)
See you tomorrow at Luke 21.
See you tomorrow at Luke 21.
Friday 3/31: Luke 21
The setting of Luke 21 is the Temple in Jerusalem, also known as Herod's Temple. Built over some 80 years, it literally "reeked" with opulence and overkill, with gold "everywhere," golden statues on display... apparently, Herod himself commissioned a 6 feet tall grapevine with grapes, all made of gold, to be produced and put on display! It's against this backdrop that Jesus' praise of the widow giving her "all" and His foretelling of the coming destruction of the magnificent temple is given. I can imagine rational people wondering "why" there were gold statues in the people's temple to God while their children were starving in the streets...I think similar thoughts when I see beautiful, ornate bank buildings, or government buildings...or, yes, church buildings. I understand it's hard to distinguish what it "necessary" to "draw people in" and "get the job done," but I have to think that
if we "all" followed the widow's example, and "all" gave our "all" to God, our world would look a bit different...
With that we wrap up week 13 of our "God's Word to Me in 2023!" reading through the NT...see you Monday at Luke 22.
if we "all" followed the widow's example, and "all" gave our "all" to God, our world would look a bit different...
With that we wrap up week 13 of our "God's Word to Me in 2023!" reading through the NT...see you Monday at Luke 22.