Monday 7/3: Romans 14
In Romans 14 Paul cautions us to not get "hung up" on peripheral issues and spend our energies judging rather than edifying one another by reminding us that each of us answers to God, so we had better be working out our answers to Him! The Holy Spirit is here more focused on our human tendency to compare and contrast ourselves with others and become critical of their choices and decisions, and stresses that our time would be much better spent preparing ourselves to stand before the Judge that really matters than wasting time being offended by or offensive to others! Two important items not directly mentioned here, that we indeed find elsewhere in scripture, are the parameters for what are considered "peripheral issues," and the call on our lives to be "fruit inspectors" of the works and lifestyles of our brothers and sisters.
See you tomorrow at Romans 15.
See you tomorrow at Romans 15.
Tuesday 7/4: Romans 15
For years I've heard local church leaders say, "We Baptists do a good job with evangelism but not so good with discipleship." I'm not so sure that's least in many cases. First, we've got to be cautious in using the words "always" or "never" in describing most anything, but besides that, Romans 15:15 gives us the interesting true perspective we might not "always" grab a hold of...the fact that our service to God, like our salvation from God, is based on the grace of God, and therefore, the results are up to him! I cannot "force feed" the things of God into another believer's life anymore than I can "save" them... it's all of God, based on His calling, coming by His grace! Our job is to tell the lost about the hope found in faith in Christ Jesus, and to work to equip, edify, educate, and energize the believers to become the disciples of Christ they have been called to be (v16)..
.and allow God to do His part....which is to save the lost and grow the saved!
See you tomorrow for the "wrap up" of Romans with chapter 16.
.and allow God to do His part....which is to save the lost and grow the saved!
See you tomorrow for the "wrap up" of Romans with chapter 16.
Wednesday 7/5: Romans 16
Romans 16 "names" names and reveals the Christ honoring lives of many of Paul's friends and acquaintances....the life lived in the "dash between the dates!" What are you talking about, David? Usually the dates of one's birth and death are displayed on their tombstones...the "the dash between the dates" signifies the life lived, and I love to read through this list of Paul's and hear his brief descriptions of the the lives lived..."helper of many and of myself also"..."fellow workers who risked their own necks for my life"..."beloved"..."first fruits"..."labored much for us"..."my countrymen and my fellow prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me"..."my beloved in the Lord"..."our fellow worker in Christ"..."who are in the Lord"..."have labored much in the Lord"..."chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine"..."brethren who are with them"..."all the saints who are with them"..."my fellow worker"..."my host and the host of the whole church"...
That's the kind of "dash" I want to leave folks..a godly legacy of devotion to Christ and love for my family and His people, what about you?
We begin 1 Corinthians tomorrow at chapter 1.
That's the kind of "dash" I want to leave folks..a godly legacy of devotion to Christ and love for my family and His people, what about you?
We begin 1 Corinthians tomorrow at chapter 1.
Thursday 7/6: 1 Corinthians 1
Here we are in One Corinthians One, and it's helpful to remember this was originally a personal letter to an actual local church...a church filled to the brim with problems and conflicts and missteps, a messed up church in arguably the most messed up city of that day! This is Paul teaching the local church how to do church in a time in which there was literally no instruction manual...the New Testament hadn't been written or compiled yet! Although most every modern copy of Paul's first letter to the Christ followers at Corinth is divided into chapters and verses, it feels much more personal when we can disregard those divisions and devour it in one sitting, like folks would read a long awaited, much anticipated letter from a dear loved one. Having said that, lol, the first chapter begins with the Holy Spirit, through Paul, reminding the Church at Corinth that while they lived IN
Corinth, because Christ dwelt in them they were not OF Corinth...what an important distinction for us to keep in mind in our very similar circumstances! Because we are "set apart" we should live like we are "set apart" and not be conformed to the sinful world around us! Then Paul begins explaining where and how they got "off track" and how to get "back on".....namely, Christ and Him crucified, which did not meet the criteria of a "miraculous sign" for the Jews nor an intellectual wisdom for the Greeks, but IS the power of God for salvation! In other words, Christ is sufficient! We'll follow that train of thought throughout this letter as Paul "sets us straight!"
See you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 2.
Corinth, because Christ dwelt in them they were not OF Corinth...what an important distinction for us to keep in mind in our very similar circumstances! Because we are "set apart" we should live like we are "set apart" and not be conformed to the sinful world around us! Then Paul begins explaining where and how they got "off track" and how to get "back on".....namely, Christ and Him crucified, which did not meet the criteria of a "miraculous sign" for the Jews nor an intellectual wisdom for the Greeks, but IS the power of God for salvation! In other words, Christ is sufficient! We'll follow that train of thought throughout this letter as Paul "sets us straight!"
See you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 2.
Friday 7/7: 1 Corinthians 2
1 Corinthians 2:9 is undoubtedly one of the most misquoted and misused verses in all of scripture. We use it (yes, I, myself have always used it incorrectly)...we use it to show the great mystery of our future in and with and through Christ, when it means exactly the opposite! Verse 9 "sets the stage" for the unknown "things," then verse 10 immediately says, "but God has REVEALED them (the "things" of verse 9) to US through His Spirit! The rest of the passage explains the miraculousness of these God "things" which God has given and will give and has revealed TO us, which is a cause for celebration AND dedication! This entire section (verses 6-16) is in response to the proclamations earlier in the letter: Christ the Power and Wisdom of God, Glory Only in the Lord, Christ Crucified...that which the natural person cannot see, God has enabled us to see, and seeing, understand, and
understanding, living out our daily lives in this gift of Spiritual Wisdom!
See you Monday at 1 Corinthians 3.
understanding, living out our daily lives in this gift of Spiritual Wisdom!
See you Monday at 1 Corinthians 3.
Monday 7/10: 1 Corinthians 3
As I read this portion of Paul's letter to a "messed up" church, I'm reminded of all the churches that I've ever been a part of, or even affiliated or acquainted with, and I remember situations and persons which fit perfectly this picture of worldly and weak Christ followers that Paul paints here in 1 Corinthians 3. God's people who should be more spiritually stable and mature behaving like spoiled children, entire church families in conflict and collision with egos and personal "druthers" taking precedence over God's Will, Word, and Work...local church fighting and splitting, rather than loving and growing and ministering and evangelizing and discipling and worshipping...
Paul's call to "grow up" and behave like "full grown" men and women of God convicts me of the part I've played in those situations, and calls me to the higher road now and going also brings to mind a scene from the life of Moses, as he stands before the people of God who had just "built" the golden calf and called them to repentance: "Whoever is on the Lord's side--come to me!" Be reconciled to the man or woman, boy or girl God has called and created you to be... Verse 16 challenges us, "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"...then LIVE like it!
See you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 4
Paul's call to "grow up" and behave like "full grown" men and women of God convicts me of the part I've played in those situations, and calls me to the higher road now and going also brings to mind a scene from the life of Moses, as he stands before the people of God who had just "built" the golden calf and called them to repentance: "Whoever is on the Lord's side--come to me!" Be reconciled to the man or woman, boy or girl God has called and created you to be... Verse 16 challenges us, "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"...then LIVE like it!
See you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 4
Tuesday 7/11: 1 Corinthians 4
The opening verses of 1 Corinthians 4 speak to the overwhelming human tendency to "crisis of identity," covering the all too common inferiority, superiority, peer pressure, and comparison issues and complexes. God's Word teaches us that ONLY God is our judge and His judgement is the ONLY judgement that matters anyway! Get your head wrapped around THAT Truth and no longer worry or stress or struggle about "who" you are! Who cares if the world "cancels" you?... society's opinion doesn't matter anyway! Why belittle yourself, your abilities, your performance?..God designed you and gave you all that you have or are, and God doesn't do shoddy work! Why think you're the "greatest thing since sliced bread"?... God gifted you with all you have and all you don't accomplish diddly without Him! And the ONLY comparing with others we need to be doing is "how I measure up against Jesus' standards!" So instead of reading "poor pitiful me" social media memes, or listening to "gloom, despair, and agony on me" music, get your nose in the word of God, set your feet on the "high road," step out confidently and decisively with your eyes set on "Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith!"
Tomorrow chapter 5.
Tomorrow chapter 5.
Wednesday 7/12: 1 Corinthians 5
A common saying of our day is, "Just follow the money"...and the Bible itself tells us that "the love of money is the root of all evil"...but perhaps running "hand in hand" with money as a misused source of evil, we ought to list sexual sins. Not talked about as much as the money sins, but in some ways, misuse of the right sexual expression God gifted mankind with is a bigger social, moral, and personal Ill than money! 1 Corinthians 5 begins with the account, within the church, of a sin so despicable Paul says the like if which "is not even named among the Gentiles (the lost, ungodly world)...a man cohabitating (living as married) with a woman not his wife, and even worse, his stepmother! What's crazy is that compared to the perversions being celebrated and propagated in our day, the wickedness Paul was writing about seems pretty tame. We are in a "war zone"...planet earth is under
attack by the kingdom of darkness..but the Kingdom of Light has, is, and always will be the winning side! God's people cannot "straddle the fence" between the two kingdoms...we MUST choose God and the Right!
See you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 6.
attack by the kingdom of darkness..but the Kingdom of Light has, is, and always will be the winning side! God's people cannot "straddle the fence" between the two kingdoms...we MUST choose God and the Right!
See you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 6.
Thursday 7/13: 1 Corinthians 6
As Chapter 5 closes, Paul is telling the church at Corinth (and us) that sin within the church must be judged, especially sexual immorality, then he reminds us in 1 Corinthians 6 that the local church is to judge the church rather than taking each other before the world's court (I believe the same is true for most anything...keep your money and your business as much as possible within the body of Christ, go only to Biblical Counselors, etc)! As ch6 progresses, we're reminded of who we were BEFORE we were saved, and then things wrap up on a general warning against a very specific type of sin...that sexual immorality was a big deal then, it's still a big deal today, and now, as then, not taken as seriously as it should. "Any expression of sexual 'fulfilment' outside of marriage is a corruption of God's design for His image bearers " (D. Jeremiah)
See you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 7 as we move the discussion from immorality to God's principles...
See you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 7 as we move the discussion from immorality to God's principles...
Friday 7/14: 1 Corinthians 7
1 Corinthians 7 opens with some discussion which can and often does become confusing... here's the "Cliff Notes" version: married is good, single is all depends upon the individual and God's calling on his or her life, only be Holy and Christlike in whichever role you find yourself! Then the letter continues the parameters for marriage, singleness, and widows/widowers.... ultimately, we are to be content in our status, faithful in our situation, and as devoted to God and His Work as our situation will allow.
See you Monday at 1 Corinthians 8.
See you Monday at 1 Corinthians 8.
Monday 7/17: 1 Corinthians 8
Good Monday morning! Just as "meekness" is not weakness but strength under control, 1 Corinthians 8 is all about liberty or freedom under control...Paul says that although you may have freedom, as a Christ follower, to behave in a certain way, to not forget the impact your actions have on your brothers and sisters in Christ! According to God's Word, we have the responsibility to limit ourselves for the growth and edification of others! Example: even though you believe you have the liberty to drink alcohol as a beverage (I believe scripture teaches otherwise), but you believe it's within your biblical are to consider what impact your actions may have on others... possibly a tainted witness for Christ, or leading your children or others into a supposed "freedom" which they cannot say, "I can quit any time I want"...maybe so, but what about your spouse or child or friend who is affected by your behavior , or whose life is wrecked because they follow in your footsteps only to find they cannot "quit at all!" Not really a great example of what Paul is talking about, but we "get the point" I pray...our unlimited liberty in Christ (within biblical boundaries) is limited by our love and responsibility for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Just because you CAN do it doesn't mean you SHOULD do it, and that depends, in part at least, on those around you and their own personal convictions... "therefore, if food (in this case, meat cooked as an offering to false gods) makes my brother stumble (spiritually), I will NEVER AGAIN eat (that type of) meat, lest I make my brother stumble.".... that, my friends, is love-driven wisdom!
See you at 1 Corinthians 9 tomorrow.
See you at 1 Corinthians 9 tomorrow.
Alcohol is just the example I used ...the same "limiting out of love your unlimited liberty" model applies to every aspect of life...what you eat, what you wear (or in some cases, don't wear), your music, your hobbies, what you watch on TV and at the theaters...etc... "THEIR" edification is more valuable than our "druthers!"
Alcohol is just the example I used ...the same "limiting out of love your unlimited liberty" model applies to every aspect of life...what you eat, what you wear (or in some cases, don't wear), your music, your hobbies, what you watch on TV and at the theaters...etc... "THEIR" edification is more valuable than our "druthers!"
Tuesday 7/18: 1 Corinthians 9
If we remember that this is a letter, originally written without chapter and verse divisions, then 1 Corinthians 9 flows directly from yesterday's chapter 8 as Paul expounds on his declaration in 8:13 with his own personal "liberty limiting" choices. Now he "drives home" our responsibility as Christ followers to relinquish our "rights" for the good of other believers... it's not as much about what makes ME happy, as it is about what encourages and edifies (instructs) them! Hmm ..sounds a lot like Jesus to me!
Chapter 10 tomorrow.
Chapter 10 tomorrow.
Wednesday 7/19: 1 Corinthians 10
In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul seems to be sort of contradicting himself as he warns the Corinthians to take seriously the very idols he was almost making fun of back in chapter 8. In the eyes of God there is an immeasurable difference between meat offered to an idol and acknowledgement of the false god behind the idol! is superstitiously cooked food, the other a demon from hell! The Holy Spirit is reminding us that even as Christ followers we must constantly and consistently choose the things of God over those of the enemy...we cannot serve two masters...we can either live IN Christ or in the kingdom of darkness!...we don't have a "dual citizenship"...ours is in Heaven!
(Check out Philippians 3)
See you tomorrow at 11...1cor11, not 11:00🤭
(Check out Philippians 3)
See you tomorrow at 11...1cor11, not 11:00🤭
Thursday 7/20: 1 Corinthians 11
1 Corinthians 11.
After establishing, again, the equality of men and women under the headship of Christ and within the order of God's design and intention, in a very confusing "Jewish culture" way, I might add, we move to the unity commanded and the conduct expected within the local church when celebrating the Lord's Supper. The Lord's Supper is a "group effort" by and within a church family, vital to our corporate worship of God, as we remember what Christ (equal with the Father but submissive to His leadership) has done for us and in us through His death on the Cross... but the Corinthians had come together in this most important moment of unity and oneness, in arrogance,fighting, squabbling, and politicking, making a mockery of what should be the clearest and purest message of God's love for His people! The Holy Spirit prescribes "how" the church is to observe this "supper" as well as how the individual participant must prepare him or herself before "eat(ing) of the bread and drink(ing) of the cup." This topic is concluded with a solemn warning accenting our Lord's care of His "Supper."
See you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 12.
After establishing, again, the equality of men and women under the headship of Christ and within the order of God's design and intention, in a very confusing "Jewish culture" way, I might add, we move to the unity commanded and the conduct expected within the local church when celebrating the Lord's Supper. The Lord's Supper is a "group effort" by and within a church family, vital to our corporate worship of God, as we remember what Christ (equal with the Father but submissive to His leadership) has done for us and in us through His death on the Cross... but the Corinthians had come together in this most important moment of unity and oneness, in arrogance,fighting, squabbling, and politicking, making a mockery of what should be the clearest and purest message of God's love for His people! The Holy Spirit prescribes "how" the church is to observe this "supper" as well as how the individual participant must prepare him or herself before "eat(ing) of the bread and drink(ing) of the cup." This topic is concluded with a solemn warning accenting our Lord's care of His "Supper."
See you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 12.
Friday 7/21: 1 Corinthians 12
The Corinthian church had a lot of problems, but what Paul kept coming back to was their lack of unity...1 Corinthians 12 addresses this root issue within churches of all times and places by teaching about spiritual gifts and their use within a church. Gifts are given by God for God's purposes, one of which is to bring us together within the church family..."all for one and one for all" and all for the glory of God! The point isn't your gift or gifts...the point is working out God's will according to God's pleasure for God's glory, and that, as a group, a church, a family, with everyone working together doing that for which each person is gifted...manifesting the "Fruit of the Spirit" in and through the "Gifts of the Spirit!" Obedient and productive unity within the church is God's "endgame" for us, and we are to do everything in our reach to bring "us" together under the headship of
Christ, and to be in practice the people we are already in position!
See you Monday at 1 Corinthians 13.
Christ, and to be in practice the people we are already in position!
See you Monday at 1 Corinthians 13.
Monday 7/24: 1 Corinthians 13
Since we, the church, are the visible representation of Jesus on earth, we do His reputation a great disservice when we do not meet up to His standards, thus He equips us with His characteristics (Fruit of Spirit) and some of His abilities (Gifts of the Spirit) to fulfill His Will, His Way, according to His Word! The greatest of Fruit and Gift given we are told in 1 Corinthians 13, is LOVE! The greatest fruit of the bunch, perhaps the actual fruit described by the other characteristics, and the greatest gift of all, is LOVE!...introduced in 12:31, "I show you a more excellent way," defined and explained in this chapter as "a totally unselfish love that comes from God alone--the type of love that chooses to continue selflessly loving someone even when he or she makes it difficult" (D.Jeremiah) and is displayed in our actions and behaviors, not just emotions!
This "love" of the Spirit serves as the "control panel" for the proper use of the "Gifts of the Spirit" as we'll see tomorrow in 1 Corinthians 14.
This "love" of the Spirit serves as the "control panel" for the proper use of the "Gifts of the Spirit" as we'll see tomorrow in 1 Corinthians 14.
Tuesday 7/25: 1 Corinthians 15
Everything... EVERYTHING hinges on Jesus' resurrection! According to 1 Corinthians 15 without the resurrection of Christ, you and I are hopeless, helpless, "lost in our sin" liars! But The Father DID raise Him from the dead...He was alive, then dead, then alive AGAIN! Through His resurrection Jesus instituted a "Resurrection Insurrection" turning human reason "right side up," destroying satan's hold on mankind, taking away the fear and sting of death, and saving to the uttermost those who place their trust in Him as crucified Savior and Risen Lord!
1 Corinthians 16
1 Corinthians 16
Wednesday 7/26: 1 Corinthians 14
Backing up to "pick up" the skipped ch14...1 Corinthians 14 concludes a 3 chapter (12,13,14) "conference" on Spiritual Gifts...their distribution, motivation, and proper use. Interesting to note is that the Greek word used in KJV for "tongues" (glossa) always refers either to a "definite structured language or else the physical organ of speech," while the word "unknown" is added to indicate the real language is unknown to the listeners, and sometimes before the singular "tongue" (translated from a different greek word) to designate a separate and different type of utterance...a holdover from the Corinthian Christians' former pagan worship style of meaningless "gibberish." While some Bible translation do not make this distinction, NKJV and others note the difference by use of the singular and plural, tongue or tongues, the singular designating the unknown "gibberish," and
the plural representing known languages. With either line of reasoning, if there's no one present who understands that which is being preached...what is the value? Our preaching, whether in our normal language or a foreign language (learned or miraculously bestowed) must be orderly, simple, straightforward and understandable to fulfill God's purpose in and through our utterances, therefore, unintelligible utterances have no place in public worship. This knowledge clears up a lot of the confusion concerning the gift of tongues (which becomes a "moot" point according to 1 Corinthians 13:8), and Paul's instructions for public worship and the prioritizing of certain Gifts.
Since I got out of order, I'll see you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 16.
the plural representing known languages. With either line of reasoning, if there's no one present who understands that which is being preached...what is the value? Our preaching, whether in our normal language or a foreign language (learned or miraculously bestowed) must be orderly, simple, straightforward and understandable to fulfill God's purpose in and through our utterances, therefore, unintelligible utterances have no place in public worship. This knowledge clears up a lot of the confusion concerning the gift of tongues (which becomes a "moot" point according to 1 Corinthians 13:8), and Paul's instructions for public worship and the prioritizing of certain Gifts.
Since I got out of order, I'll see you tomorrow at 1 Corinthians 16.
(Part 2)
Sorry, but I need to stress that God has NOT stopped performing the miraculous, but it should be obvious that everything was different when Jesus walked the earth, and the "different" carried over to the period of the very special Apostles' ministry in founding the local churches without the benefit of completed scriptures. God still heals and enhances our abilities when it fits in His Plan, but the need for "sign" miracles has vanished with the advent of His completed, all-sufficient Word.
Sorry, but I need to stress that God has NOT stopped performing the miraculous, but it should be obvious that everything was different when Jesus walked the earth, and the "different" carried over to the period of the very special Apostles' ministry in founding the local churches without the benefit of completed scriptures. God still heals and enhances our abilities when it fits in His Plan, but the need for "sign" miracles has vanished with the advent of His completed, all-sufficient Word.
Thursday 7/27: 1 Corinthians 16
As with any good personal communication, Paul closes his first letter to the church at Corinth with personal notes after instructing them in their responsibilities in financing the Work of Christ in and through their church family.
During his second missionary thrust Paul brought the Gospel to Corinth (50-ish AD), founding a local church and spending a year and a half or so teaching and stabilizing the church family before continuing his mission. Three, four..maybe five years pass and Paul gets word of all the conflict and problems within the church at Corinth, so he writes letters...the first, to settle "in-house" issues and disunity, and the second, to counter the false teachings of and criticisms leveled by counterfeit teachers...see you tomorrow at 2 Corinthians 1.
During his second missionary thrust Paul brought the Gospel to Corinth (50-ish AD), founding a local church and spending a year and a half or so teaching and stabilizing the church family before continuing his mission. Three, four..maybe five years pass and Paul gets word of all the conflict and problems within the church at Corinth, so he writes letters...the first, to settle "in-house" issues and disunity, and the second, to counter the false teachings of and criticisms leveled by counterfeit teachers...see you tomorrow at 2 Corinthians 1.
Friday 7/28: 2 Corinthians 1
We're wrapping up week 30 of our "God's Word for Me in 2023" journey through the NT with today's 2 Corinthians 1, where Paul is "setting the stage" for another personal visit. We can't tell it yet, but he's a bit "ticked off" by the lies and misrepresentations made about him and his ministry, as well as the continued issues within this young church he had planted just about four years before..this 2nd letter is more focused on false teachings and false teachers in the church. "Comfort," which pictures a steadfast support and encouragement, is a big topic in Paul's relationship with the local church at Corinth in the opening verses of chapter 1 as he prepares to "drop the hammer" on falseness in their midst!
See you Monday at 2 Corinthians 2.
See you Monday at 2 Corinthians 2.
Monday 7/31: 2 Corinthians 2
2 Corinthians 2 picks up where ch 1 left off, as Paul continues to explain his ever changing plans to to come see them, by reminding them that, as an Apostle (as with ALL Christ followers) his first allegiance is to FOLLOW Christ wherever and when He leads, irregardless of Paul's own personal plans! Next he encourages the church to forgive and restore one who had been disciplined and now exhibits true repentance as to not discourage and drive away a fact, restoration is the underlying basis for church discipline, the ultimate point being the holiness of God and His requirements. I'm really drawn to verses, "how do you SMELL today?" And don't respond, "with my nose!" Our lives should emit the sweet fragrance of Christ that the lost may find Him!... that'll preach!
See you tomorrow at 2 Corinthians 3.
See you tomorrow at 2 Corinthians 3.
Tuesday 8/1: 2 Corinthians 3
2 Corinthians 3:5 should be an encouragement to those who feel inadequate and a lesson in humility for the's all ABOUT God, all FROM God, all FOR God, and all TO God...we are never sufficient or insufficient in ourselves... our sufficiency comes from the God Who is never insufficient!
2 Corinthians 4 for tomorrow.
2 Corinthians 4 for tomorrow.
Wednesday 8/2: 2 Corinthians 4
This "ministry" we have to fulfill, the proclaiming and explaining of the good news that Jesus saves to the uttermost, is ours to fulfill in and through the power and purpose and plan of our God Who gives it! No "turning it down" or turning us deception or mixing and mingling with the world...the unveiled, unadulterated, undiluted, unstoppable, unapologetic Word of God lived and taught in and through our lives to the believing and unbelieving alike! See you tomorrow at 2 Corinthians 5!
Thursday 8/3: 2 Corinthians 5
2 Corinthians 5 assures us of our own resurrection and gives us some enlightening details about it! When a child of God physically dies, or "goes to sleep" as the Bible often names it, ONLY our body "sleeps," as God makes clear in verses 6-8 that "we" (the conscious living soul) go to be "present with the Lord!" This "intermediate state" is a different situation than our "eternal state," coming sometime later, when we will spend eternity, body and soul, with our Lord!... that's kind of the point of our resurrection 😲! "Right on the heels" of this exciting news is a sobering reminder to "live right"...that although we know the penalty of our sin/sins has been transferred to Christ and we are now free of THAT sin judgement, there's a future event wherein Christ followers will stand before our Lord to give an account of our Christian walk and work, so "therefore, we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him."
See you tomorrow to wrap up the week with 2 Corinthians 6.
See you tomorrow to wrap up the week with 2 Corinthians 6.
Friday 8/4: 2 Corinthians 6
God reminds us that we have no valid excuse for living our lives other than for Him in 2 Corinthians 6. First, "grab hold" of His grace offered, don't let it "slip away!" Always be a strong witness for and minister of Christ irregardless of your circumstances, negative or positive, as God turns worldly common sense "right side up," making "good" results from "bad" situations, events, and circumstances! Finally, keep yourself holy by keeping yourself "separated" from the things and people of the world...not a standoffish hermit, but the limiting of intimate relations only with other Christ followers, whether business or pleasure, to guard against the world's "pulling" us away from living a Godly life!
See you Monday at 2 Corinthians 7.
See you Monday at 2 Corinthians 7.
Monday 8/7: 2 Corinthians 7
2 Corinthians 7.
Some in the Corinthian Church might feel that Paul was "fussing" at them...well, yes and no. He was indeed being critical of some of their behavior, but it was criticism with the end of maturity and restoration in sight. Like God's Grace in the face of sin (Rom5:20&21), Paul's "busting their chops" was overcome by his boasting of them!...truly constructive criticism directed and driven out of love for them that they might "see the light," repent of their sin and grow more mature in the things of God! This biblical principle of Godly discipline (confront the problem guided by love, stir in lots of encouragement and praise, and pray as we wait for God to bring restoration) fits within all our relationships, in and out of the church environment... Paul's example as a spiritual dad correcting his spiritual children is a pretty good lesson for real dads and moms dealing with their children, as well as spouses, siblings, co-workers, neighbors, pastors and church families, school mates, team mates....well, we get the picture!
See you tomorrow at 2 Corinthians 8
Some in the Corinthian Church might feel that Paul was "fussing" at them...well, yes and no. He was indeed being critical of some of their behavior, but it was criticism with the end of maturity and restoration in sight. Like God's Grace in the face of sin (Rom5:20&21), Paul's "busting their chops" was overcome by his boasting of them!...truly constructive criticism directed and driven out of love for them that they might "see the light," repent of their sin and grow more mature in the things of God! This biblical principle of Godly discipline (confront the problem guided by love, stir in lots of encouragement and praise, and pray as we wait for God to bring restoration) fits within all our relationships, in and out of the church environment... Paul's example as a spiritual dad correcting his spiritual children is a pretty good lesson for real dads and moms dealing with their children, as well as spouses, siblings, co-workers, neighbors, pastors and church families, school mates, team mates....well, we get the picture!
See you tomorrow at 2 Corinthians 8
Tuesday 8/8: 2 Corinthians 8
The opening verses of 2 Corinthians 8 reveal a flaw in our human reasoning as Paul discusses the financing of the Work of God by the finacial giving of God's people. We see it from a perspective of ledger balances and numbers and pride, where the mature Christ followers grow to understand giving for what it is...a special gift of grace given of God that we might exercise the gift He's given us through the action of giving... God graces us with the opportunity to glorify Him by putting to use for Him the gifts He has given us!... God grants us the chance to "abound in good works!" That altered perspective alters our perspective!
Tomorrow we'll be at 2 Corinthians 9.
Tomorrow we'll be at 2 Corinthians 9.
Wednesday 8/9: 2 Corinthians 9
In 2 Corinthians 9 Paul continues the lesson of how we glorify God by grace-filled giving through the graceful gift He has given us with which to give! Not only are we to be cheerful and not "grudging" givers, but we are blessed, the recipient is blessed, and more importantly, God is blessed by our proportionate giving...that is, the more we have, the more we ought to give because we have more grace and gift to give from! "But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver."
See you tomorrow at 2 Corinthians 10.
See you tomorrow at 2 Corinthians 10.
Thursday 8/10: 2 Corinthians 10
In 2 Corinthians 10 Paul's tone changes a bit...he kind of "throws down" on the church family a little while pleading with the "trouble makers" to not "force his hand"...having been accused of cowardice, Paul let them know that his actions towards them, thus far, were driven by meekness (strength and authority purposely limited) and kindness (lack of warranted retaliation) not weakness or cowardice as they charged. He reminds them, and us, that the real battle is not physically among other humans, but spiritual, and "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (fleshly) but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."
Chapter 11 tomorrow.
Chapter 11 tomorrow.
Friday 8/11: 2 Corinthians 11
After explaining God's giving of grace and our own grace giving in chapters 8&9, we see Paul's tone change in 10 and now in 2 Corinthians 11, he changes styles completely and goes into an almost parady mode as he uses irony to try and "get through" to the Church at response to their "infatuation" with bragging and "truth stretching" false teachers, the perpetually humble Paul speaks "foolishly" in boasting of his work and ministry for God, primarily focusing on his suffering FOR CHRIST! Only one called to love the local church as a shepherd can truly begin to understand verse 28...after a detailed list of physical stresses and strains he had endured, Paul expressed his deepest stress of all..."besides the other things, what comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches." He endured it all and even celebrated his trials out of love for his God and God's churches!
See you next week for the conclusion of 2 Corinthians with 12&13, and the first half of Paul's letter to the Church at Galatia.
See you next week for the conclusion of 2 Corinthians with 12&13, and the first half of Paul's letter to the Church at Galatia.
Monday 8/14: 2 Corinthians 12
Here in 2 Corinthians 12 we are reminded again that God is God, and I'm not! We see that God does "God stuff" which is "out of our league" to mimic or even understand. Paul's perpetual "thorn in the flesh" stops the mouth of the "name it and claim it" bunch, the "joy boys", the "have enough faith and get healed" proponents...does God give wealth to some? Sure...does God give healing to some? Of course!...but if arguably the greatest of the apostles had to work for a living, underwent untold trials and persecutions, and lived with a physical infirmity after praying and asking for healing, while serving God with all his faith and energy, why would I think that God would "jump" when I call? Sure, God has set in motion laws and procedures, but He is not at our "beckoning call" and is under no compulsion to fulfill our wants or wishes, even when they are good and right. "Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak (in surrender to God), then I am strong." (And, I might add, "when I am strong in me, I am weak!")
See you tomorrow with 2 Corinthians wrap up.
See you tomorrow with 2 Corinthians wrap up.
Tuesday 8/15: 2 Corinthians 13
With my sometimes warped sense of humor, I find part of 2 Corinthians 13 hilarious as Paul defends his reputation by questioning his accusers in a "turning the tables" sort of way! "If you're really saved then my calling from God must be valid since I'm your spiritual father, but if my calling from God is not valid, it's proven by the fact that you're lost ..which is it? Are you saved or are you not saved?" And of course to the dual accusation that Paul either gave his word lightly or was afraid to speak face to face with them, he assured the church family at Corinth that he WAS, in fact, coming to see them "close up and personal" so they had better get ready!"..kind of like Popeye he'd "had all he could stands and he couldn't stands no more!"
See you tomorrow at Galatians 1!
See you tomorrow at Galatians 1!
Wednesday 8/16: Galatians 1
Most of the early Christ followers were Jews and many of them diluted the Gospel of Grace by taking their Judaism and just adding some Jesus to make it "Christian" (sounds like modern-day America)! Paul spends much of his time, as we see in Galatians 1, correcting this misconstrued gospel (good news) which was not good or The Gospel at all, but a false imposter which robs even true believers of the peace and power Christ grants to His followers! Christ plus or minus ANYTHING is not faith... The Gospel of Christ is NOT Grace mixed with the Law (works), but CHRIST ALONE by GRACE ALONE through FAITH ALONE! Once the Grace issue is settled in a believer's life, peace will prevail in the believer's life! "...if ANYONE preaches ANY OTHER gospel to you than what you (already) received (from God through me), let him be accursed." This is serious business , for believing a false gospel curses the Christ followers and keeps them from peace and power... it's even more tragic for lost seekers as it keeps them from finding the forgiveness and righteousness of God through faith in His Son!
See you at Galatians 2.
See you at Galatians 2.
Thursday 8/17: Galatians 2
Paul "proves the lies" of the false teachers in the Galatia Church by announcing that there's only one Gospel that he preached and so does Peter, James and John! Galatians 2 continues his proof with the example of Titus (a Greek convert to Christ) and the church leaders at Jerusalem's acceptance of him without any legalistic Jewish false requirements. One Gospel! One Savior! One Message!
See you tomorrow at Galatians 3.
See you tomorrow at Galatians 3.
Friday 8/18: Galatians 3
In Galatians 3 the believers have been "bewitched" or "hypnotized" by the lies of the false teachers, much like many today...the solution, then as now, is to remain focused on the One and Only Christ and His One and Only Gospel which Paul had preached so clearly and consistently as to have "portrayed" (to have almost literally shown Christ to them in person)! He continues his correcting of the false "gospel" of salvation and sanctification by works being spread within the church..."this only I want to learn from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?" False teachings in the church or entire body of Christ are usually subtle and sneaky... that's why knowing and proclaiming the Light of God's Word is so dispells the darkness and reveals the
See you Monday at Galatians 4...and praying for someone to see you in church somewhere this Sunday😇.
See you Monday at Galatians 4...and praying for someone to see you in church somewhere this Sunday😇.
Monday 8/21: Galatians 4
Galatians 4:6-"And because you are sons (and daughters), God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts crying out, 'Abba, Father!' Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son (or daughter), then as an heir of God through Christ." Because we have been adopted and are now a child of God through the finished Work of Christ (4:3-5), we are no longer under the dominion of the Law but the Spirit (4:8&9)....stop living by works and live by faith, "For you are all sons (and daughters) of God through FAITH in Christ Jesus!" (3:26)
See you tomorrow at Galatians 5.
See you tomorrow at Galatians 5.
Tuesday 8/22: Galatians 5
In verses 22&23 Galatians 5 lists for us the characteristics which Christ followers are to display in their lives...what we overlook sometimes is that WE cannot bear this fruit in our lives, as only the Spirit of God can bear His character IN and THROUGH us! Paul has just spent all those arguments and all that energy trying to get it through those thick Galatian skulls (as well as yours and mine) that it is ALL by grace through faith and not our own works or effort...why would he then "shift gears" and begin pushing human effort?! We can "walk in the Spirit" ONLY through the presence and power of the Spirit of God within us!
See you tomorrow at Galatians 6.
See you tomorrow at Galatians 6.
Wednesday 8/23: Galatians 6
Remember this is a 2,000 years old personal pastoral letter from The Holy Spirit through Paul to the local church families in the area of Galatia, which still applies today to you and me and our local church. Imagine the words we designate as Galatians 6:1&2 simply flowing from yesterday's reading and we see "added incentive" to "walk in the Spirit" producing the "fruit of the Spirit" in our lives, as we "bear one another's burdens" in humbly walking beside them, especially the erring brother or sister, restoring them and mending relationships with gentleness.
See you tomorrow at Ephesians 1.
See you tomorrow at Ephesians 1.
Thursday 8/24: Ephesians 1
Paul's letter to the Ephesians Church is a sort of a "benefits list" for all true "saved by grace through faith" children of God! Ephesians 1:3-14 are reported to make up the longest sentence in the New Testament, as if Paul was so very excited to share a "run down" of "every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ!" It's a very practical and helpful exercise to go through chapter 1 marking every characteristic, position, and condition God has blessed us with...or if you don't like marking in your Bible, get a piece of paper and make a list recounting God's Blessings! Often this "Ephesians 1 benefits list" is used to help believers feel better about themselves... that's precisely the wrong angle.... reading through this list of God's blessings on us, ought to cause us to feel better about God, raising our praising and focusing on His glory!....not to mention our abundant
thankfulness to Christ for what He has done IN and FOR and THROUGH us!
See you tomorrow to wrap up week 34 of "God's Word for Me in 2023!"
thankfulness to Christ for what He has done IN and FOR and THROUGH us!
See you tomorrow to wrap up week 34 of "God's Word for Me in 2023!"
Friday 8/25: Ephesians 2
Ephesians 2 continues the "blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ" list, building up to a crescendo of praise for the Source of our exalted position and blessed condition! "But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace and His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus (Paul's "I can't pause for a breath" excitement is pretty evident again🤭). For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Woohoo and Praise God! Considering how amazingly God blessed and blesses us as His children, we ought to be living in this broken world with such a holiness and wholeness that the world would follow us to find out Who we know! Let's you and me "get a grip" on just who we are IN CHRIST, that our lost friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers on the street will be drawn to our Savior and BE SAVED "by grace through faith," and that other Christ followers would be convicted and convinced of their God -blessed position and condition...and live like it! Wow! Thank You, Lord Jesus!
Now THAT'S something for us to "chew on" this weekend, huh? See you Monday at Ephesians 3.
Now THAT'S something for us to "chew on" this weekend, huh? See you Monday at Ephesians 3.
Monday 8/28: Ephesians 3
Good Monday morning folks! Ephesians 3 begins with prayer...almost, lol....Paul begins to pray in verse 1, then "goes down a side trail," reaffirming the revealing of the mystery of the Church (the Body of Christ, comprised of those "saved by grace through faith" regardless of race or status or creed) in verses 2-13...then the prayer begins in earnest at verse 14 and runs to the end of chapter 3!...whew!... Paul bounces around like a beagle on the trail of a rabbit!...but when he gets to praying....he does some PRAYING! Go back, please, and read Ephesians 3:14-21 again and again, even praying those verses as a prayer for yourself, for others, for ypur local church, for the Body of Christ....
See you tomorrow at Ephesians 4.
See you tomorrow at Ephesians 4.
Tuesday 8/29: Ephesians 4
Ephesians 4 begins with an admonition to us Christ Followers to "walk worthy of the calling with which you were called," and ends with a "cause and effect equation" for "gittin er dun!" Just as 1+1=2, living our lives according to verse 32 instead of 31, results in our not doing what we're warned against in verse other words (me)1 plus (v)32 equals (v)30!(😳bad math but great Spirit-led Living!) When I focus on and live for the "things of the world" I stand against the Holy Spirit and rebel against God's Work and Will and Way and Word, which grieves Him...when I focus on and live for "the things of God" I bring glory to His name, blessing to me and those around me, God's Kingdom Work is getting done, God is pleased and gets the glory! Simple!...DO verse 32, not 31, so you "do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption!"
See you tomorrow at Ephesians 5
See you tomorrow at Ephesians 5
Thursday 8/31: Ephesians 5
More about living out our relationships in a Christ-honoring, Christ-imitating way in Ephesians 6, then a reminder of the reality of the Spiritual War we are embroiled in as well as identifying and instructing us concerning our God-provided equipment...the whole armour of God and the power of prayer! (And here's some "icing on the cake".... we're soldiers fighting in a war THAT'S ALREADY WON!)
See you tomorrow at Philippians 1.
See you tomorrow at Philippians 1.
Friday 9/1: Philippians 1
I know a guy... got saved while sitting on the hood of his 4wd vehicle stopped at a riverbank watching and waiting for a baptism to be done...pretty cool, huh? Take away the 4x4 and we've got a pretty good picture of how the Church at Philippi was founded...on the banks of a river, unexpected and unplanned! Another group of Paul's spiritual children, the local church at Philippi was surrounded by their pagan Roman society. This first church of Christ followers in Europe faced intense persecution...thus, Paul's very personal, very heartfelt letter to them. Philippians 1, actually the entire letter, as well as Paul's life and ministry can be "summed up" with verses 21 & 20: "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death!"
See you Monday at Philippians 2.
See you Monday at Philippians 2.